

I started this blog in an attempt to just write more. I’ve always loved to write, but I haven't so much recently, which is a problem because I want to improve. So I'm re-channeling my past 12-year-old self who used to have a blog, in an attempt to record moments of my life that need a little more description. By doing this, whatever this is, I hope it’s a regular thing.

I call this website quietskin, because I think it encapsulates me in the right way. I know that I have predominantly been labelled as ‘quiet’, which has not really been the fault of others; it is something that I have been conscious and aware of, and have perpetuated in some way. And because of this, I have also held myself back and most importantly, my voice.

So I hope through my words, you can hear a voice, and hopefully it’s louder than my skin.


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