a brief meeting with autumn

Monday 14 November 2016

This year, my time with Autumn has been brief, and it's such a shame because I love this season so much.

I love it for its wonder in nature: seeing the physical change in trees, how they transition into such fiery and warm colours, and dragging my feet through crunchy leaves. I love it for being a time of transition, where everything merges into one another so seamlessly. I love it for long walks and long talks, and the state of feeling so tranquil in the secure comfort of nature. I love it for how cosy my lazy weekends feel, snuggled in layers, drinking several cups of herbal tea, and having my favourite playlist on loop. I love it for its honesty; for some reason people in Autumn generally seem more overt, more vulnerable to me, detached from any face they may usually tend to assume. I love it for how easily it is to romanticise; thoughts, feelings, and people, become more intimate and profound in their intricate complexities and candid mannerisms. I love it for how time seems ceaseless, boundless, as if it didn't exist. I love it for how things seem to start again or circumnavigate. I love it for how days are shorter; waking up to see the sunrise and still being awake to see the sunset. I love it for how I seem to take extra care in looking at the small things, the small cogs in the machine. I love it for those quiet moments of solitude, meditative and mindful; it never really feels the same in any other season. I love it for how simple it is to love. 

I write as if Autumn is so familiar to me, almost a friend.
And in a way, it really has been to me.


Below are some pictures I took over a weekend (5/11-6/11), which was the only time I got to really embrace, being in Autumn, yet I feel that the time was enough. 




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